I was born at Alta Bates hospital in Berkeley California.My family includes my older sister Octavia my mother Renee and I. I was raised in Oakland until I was 5 then we were forced out of our home by our grandma. We were looking for a home for a little bit unitl my mother's aunt helped find us a nice little duplex on the border of Oakland and Berkeley.
I went to pre-school at Golden Gate pre-k. I spent Elementary school and Middle school at BMA which stands for Berekly Maynard Academy. BMA was a very college bound school. Every morning we chanted College for Cetain because they wanted the idea of college glued to our brain. In 5th grade we did a ropes project were we did a certain amount of community service and present about them. If we passed we were allowed to go to a camping trip at the end of that school year where we zipped lined fell from trees and praked each other. In 7th grade we went on a science trip to a nice site in San Fransisco. We looked at different plants and hiked to a light house and rolled down hills and many other cool things. I had many field trips at that school and lots of intertaining experiences there.
I currently go to Envision Academy where I fit in perfectly because it is a technology and arts based school and I am considered to be very artistic and I love how they mix the 2 it is very fun to llearn there although things can get a little confusing and the pressure is always on because we are on time limits 24/7 I still love it and I wouldn't ever change my mind about choosing it.
I am siad to be a fun determined and lloving child who knows wheres she is going and has the maturity level to get there. I am not known to be the person cracking jokes I am the one that is looking at the clock saying ok now that the joke is over it's time to go .Being a follower is definitly not me because I dont liked being pushed around or told what to do and when altough I will listen in particular cases.
I am artistic
I am realistic
I am ME!